Over half of Canadians who take regular medications for various medical reasons are not taking their medicines correctly. Whether you take medications to control blood pressure, regulate insulin levels, or prevent back pain, you need to take them correctly. Taking medications incorrectly can have severe consequences on the body’s health in the long run. If you take regular medications, you need to make sure you are taking your medicines as prescribed correctly, and Walker Lake Remedy’s RX Clinic can help you with it.

You could be putting your health at risk by not taking prescribed medications in the correct way.

Walker Lake Remedy’s RX Clinic offers medication management and review services that you can use to know everything you need to know about your medications. We allow you to discuss, in private, any concerns you may have about your medications. You can ask us about the nature of your medications, how to take them, what’s the best time to take them, or how to prevent side effects. We also provide comprehensive medication management services, so you never miss any medications, prevent drug interactions, and don’t get side effects. You can even opt for compound medications if you have trouble taking prescribed medicines without worrying about any side effects.

Our medication reviews are especially helpful for those suffering from long-term conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, COPD, or asthma. We cover the following under our medication management and reviews:

  • The purpose of medication review
  • Any potential reactions to other medications
  • Side effects that you may experience
  • Ease of use and swallowing
  • Techniques on how to use the medications
  • Symptoms that the medication may not control
  • Best time to take the medication
  • Potential problems such as drug interactions or contraindications
  • Any other queries you may have about your medications

Know everything about your medications and get the best results by taking them correctly with us.

Walker Lake Remedy’s RX Clinic is a pharmacy with prescribing authority. We offer the best medication review and management services in the city, along with free delivery and compounding services. Get the best out of your regular medications by getting in touch with us.